
Philosophy 4 Children

Philosophy 4 Children encourages children to think critically, caringly, creatively and collaboratively. Children consider each new stimulus with wonder and then work together to create their own philosophical question. These skills enable every child to flourish, as they become more confident, learning to adapt and articulate their ideas.


Our curriculum intent for P4C is for every child to develop listening and talk skills, thinking critically about complex issues. We want our children to focus on big ideas such as: justice, love, courage, friendship, change, and difference. Children of all ages will develop skills which will enable them to talk about their own ideas and also respectfully disagree with with other people.


At Woodford Valley Primary Academy children explore philosophical questions in structured, discrete Philosophy 4 Children lessons. These take place once a term and philosophical enquiries will complement a class topic, or may be part a whole school enquiry.

Philosophy 4 Children lessons are sequenced to develop children’s skills as they grow and develop from Year 1 to Year 6. Talk skills give children the scope to discuss and engage at a deeper level in all other areas of the curriculum.

Pupils are assessed by teachers, who observe their engagement and talk skills.


Children at Woodford Valley Primary Academy can articulate pupil voice, understand challenges and have increased self-confidence.

Their resilience, reasoning, and thinking skills are heightened. Pupils can make connections and demonstrate respect, empathy and tolerance for others in their relationships with others. Children are reflective and learn to consider other people’s views, and to change and adapt their own opinions.

P4C has a positive impact across the curriculum and reflects our whole school ethos.