
Durnford class - Homework

Literacy homework is set on Monday and is due in on a Wednesday. 

Numeracy homework is set on a Wednesday and is due in on a Friday.

Spelling test: Wednesday. The children are given seven or eight spellings. New spellings will be given out the same day as the test. Five of these spellings are linked to the spelling pattern looked at that week; the other three are words from the curriculum lists as statutory for that year group to learn by the end of the year. These are stuck into spelling practice books so they can be practiced at home and the children also practice these in school, linking it to handwriting.

Times tables: We use ‘Mad Minutes Maths’ and practice our times tables every day. Please practise your times tables at home every day if you can- they are so useful and really help in your maths work.

Sometimes there may be other projects or science homework set.

Homework diaries: These need to be signed by a parent to show they have seen the completed homework and for any other messages. These must be brought into school the day that homework is set so that the children can write down the task. It is the children’s responsibility to keep these safe and to copy the homework down correctly- it is always written on the board and explained. 

Reading records: These must be brought in to school every day as children may be heard read by an adult and we like to write a comment in the diary. They must get into the habit of bringing them into class each morning. The children can write down the page number they have reached when reading to themselves. Please do try to hear your child read aloud regularly too as it is really good practise for them, even if they are really fluent readers. They can choose books from the school library, classroom or from home.