
Lake Class - Planning


What’s at the bottom of the garden?

We will be adventuring into the worlds of ‘Dinosaurs and Fossils’, ‘Beanstalks and Sunflowers’ and ‘Mini-Beasts’

We will be exploring ideas of similarities and differences in ‘Tyrannosaurus Drip’ and welcoming our friends from Salisbury Museum who will visit us with some real dinosaur fossils!  We will be growing our own beanstalks and sunflowers to see which one will grow the fastest and tallest as well as comparing height, length and lots of opportunities for counting, subitising and developing our numbersense of numbers to ten and exploring numbers larger than 10.  

We will be looking at life cycles and patterns through the book ‘The Tiny Seed’ and using the traditional story ‘The Enormous Turnip’ to develop our story telling and writing skills.

We will explore the idea of a journey from school to the beautiful gardens of Heale House noticing different geographical features like the road, path, river and bridge and seasonal changes, these are all foundations for story telling and fuel for the imagination for play back in the classroom.

After half term we will start cooking on Tuesday’s, more information to follow. We will continue our exploration of Mini-Beasts and the Garden with ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘What the ladybird Heard’, with an exciting  summer trip to Langford Lakes.

Finally we will be preparing for a smooth transition to year one, more information to follow nearer the time.

Click below to see an overview of the activities we will be doing across the seven Areas of Learning that link with our theme;

We would love to see your home learning so please continue to post any photos on Tapestry and we will share these in class for everybody to enjoy and most importantly to keep in touch, if you have any worries or concerns please email me.

For more information about Early Years please look at our curriculum page EYFS or click on the link

Topic Web Summer 2024

Things to try at home-

  • Continue to practise reading and writing the letter sounds on your sound mat.
  • Practise writing simple words and phrases.
  • Keep reading every day
  • Keep adding entries to Tapestry to tell us about clubs, activities and any fun learning at home, we love to share them in class.